Friday, October 16, 2009

7 Rules to be happy!!

Here I am going to enlist few rules to be happier.I believe that these rules will be helpful to you

Rule #1 Never hate

Hatred is something which has a strong power to kill relationship.At times we may get vexed and exhibit our anger on the wrong person at a wrong time.This certainly has the tendency to break bonds.Thus I would say that no matter whatever happens we should not hate anyone.This is a strong point which I want to highlight.

Rule #2 Don't worry

Whatever be the problem that you might be facing,don't worry at all.Worrying alone can never assure a solution to your problem.In fact we should stand to face the problem that encounters us.This worry factor can be very critical.Worrying and thinking about your problem can cause tensions and various backlogs or health hazards in your body in the form of Hypertension and other diseases.I appeal to you that stop worrying and enjoy life.

Rule # 3 Live simple.
Most of the successful personalities have lived a simple life.They have lead a normal life to attain the success that they enjoy in life.This is the prime reason.Thus live a simple life and gain enough blessings :)
Rule #4 Expect little.

Whenever you work on something which is beneficial to someone,just don't expect the gain in form of money or profit.Always expect little in your life.Working hard and expecting little can explore great path in your life that may lead to the road to success.

Rule #5 Give a lot

Help others in your life.Remember that in your life you will be no where if you do anything for yourself I mean stop being selfish.Also think of others.I believe that there may be lots of poor people surrounding you.Just give them monetary support and you could seek their blessings.Remember that your each blessing is counted somewhere in heaven.Your good deed and helping attitude is something which identifies you as a person.

Rule #6 Smile a Lot.

Never lose a smile on your face.Smile is an essential component in your life. People can say about you by recognising this smile on your face.Frown exhibits a feeling of hurt and anxiety amongst people surrounding you.They may wish to talk to you ,but you may not feel like because you are hurt by someone.Remember that a smiler can lead to a successful life.So keep smiling.

Rule #7 Spend life with people who love you.

This is an important point which I would like to say.Always care for the person who believes you and trusts you.He/She is the person who might love you forever.Instead of running behind someone who doesn't loves you.Spend time with people who love you.They are the ones who care for you.This can be your siblings,parents,partners ,friends etc.

Thus we have seen all the important rules in our life which needs to be addressed for living a happy and successful life.Hope you enjoyed this read.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The way GIRLS feel...!!!

The one i met in the depth of my heart..!

I sat at my window during night,
i peeped out and saw stars shining bright.
when i profoundly looked at them,
i saw there a star..solitary and dim!
Gazing that star..i started thinking,
why isn't that star.....shining n blinking.
why is that star so alone..and sad,
myriad questions in my mind i had.
contemplating that star....
in the depth of my heart....
i met someone melancholy n alone,
i went a bit nearer...i heard a moan.
the person there was weeping,
didn't get what was that soul seeking.
the star i saw came in my mind,
i thought this prsn is of same kind.
away from the shining world...
both of them gloomy and solitary....
there might be some desperation..
to them nothing seemed merry..
i got a little idea about that person,
but i didn't see that face.
wanted to know who is there,
i wanted to end up the chase.
so i went closer and closer.....
that face..
i was able to see.....
i was still,i ws shocked..
it ws no one was me!

Friday, October 2, 2009


When I Walk Alone...
Why don't you come and hold my hand dear ?
When I Walk Alone...
Why don't you whisper " I'll be there for you" in my ear ?
When I Walk Alone...
Why am I not accompanied by you ?
When I Walk Alone...
Why don't you say that out of the whole lot at least your love for me is true ?
When I Walk Alone...
Why am I unable to hear your voice anywhere ?
When I Walk Alone...
Why don't you come to whip off 'the falling tear' ?
When I Walk Alone...
I take the fainting image of yours in my heart to solve this unknown game
When I Walk Alone...
Why don't you come to me and re - paint the same ?
When I Walk Alone...
I wonder who will lift me up if I happen to fall
When I Walk Alone...
I see myself helplessly crawl
When I Walk Alone...
I wonder why all this is happening to me ?
When I Walk Alone...
I wonder what will be next that I'll have to see
When I Walk Alone...
Finally I see a ray of hope
When I Walk Alone...
I finally got to know how to un - tie this entangles rope
When I Walk Alone...
Suddenly a smile dances on my lips
When I Walk Alone...
There isn't a need for anyone to give me any more tips
When I Walk Alone...
I got to know the reason for you not accompanying me
When I Walk Alone...
You simply just walk within me
When I Walk Alone...
I whipped off my falling tear
When I Walk Alone...
That hand was not mine but yours dear
When I Walk Alone...
I wondered how stupid I was
When I Walk Alone...
I realized that there was no need for such a pause
When I Walk Alone...
I really don't seem
'to walk alone'

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nature's Shower..!!

Lying on the bed,
Background Music
Was Rain Droplets
Filled with a very soothing
Smell of wet Earth
Woke up from the Bed
Went to the balcony
Took my hand out in the
vast Grey Sky
Felt the Amazing breeze,those
Tiny powerful Droplets
Want to go and Dance in the Rain,
Want to touch those
Wet beautfiful SmellyFlowers!
Nature looks so pretty,
Green Green all around
Trees Look new
Sky Looks so fresh
Oh Lovely Lovely Tiny Powerful droplets!

I always saw rain as a "medium of affection", a "medium of love", a
"medium of emotions". I strongly feel that God has many ways to connect
the ones he should by various means, one of them being rain. No matter
how far you live, no matter how lonely you feel; rain carries some of
the very strong vibes which envelope one completely. No matter how long
you have been separated from your beloved, the smell of rain catch
holds your dying embers of trust, belief and optimism every time. If
there are endless things that can turn you down, there are also things
that can very well uplift you :) And rain is surely one of them.
Its something that you can feel, something that you can see, something that
you can hear, something that you can taste, something that you can
touch, something that you can play with...something your beloved can
feel as well, no matter how far you guys are from each other, no matter
how deep is the feeling of "longing" in you just washes
everything, it gives you a new touch, a new feeling, a new smile, a new
Even after standing so strong at this point of view of mine, there came
another thought in my mind trying its level best to grab hold of my
attention.Even after all the positive hues and vibes, there was a
slight touch of negativity which came into sight. It appeared as if the
sky was crying, crying out very loud...on seeing the condition of all
its lovers. It seemed that the sky was missing the love, the feelings,
the comfort, the pride, the hopes, the beliefs and say every possible
The possible explanation is..wherever there is white, there will be
black as well. I am surely aware of this very basic fact of life, but
why isn't the sky aware of the same? Why it seems to be so innocent
that its tears make ones heart pop out? Why it cried so much today? So
much that one cant witness its condition for very long? Why? Are the
lovers really disappointing him? Is the present state of those
relationships enough to make him shed so many tears at once?
May be the design which he once made for all the friends, all the
lovers, all of those who are in any sort of relationship with some where down the line not enough to keep them
together...not enough to generate some kind of warmth in the
relationship...not enough to uplift the love they have for each
other...not enough to shrink the atmosphere of disappointment...not
enough to remove the clouds of darkness....

Don't hate me for making you read so much ...
You see..writers bhi kabhi kabhi flow mein aa jaate hain...
Signing off..loads of love and best wishes in this rainy season :-)

Yours only..


What a long 11 letter word.?
Difficult to pronounce or difficult to understand or difficult to feel?Depends on person to person. We such an intelligent human beings, who thinks of our self that we can never be wrong and living in this worldly misconceptions we create great errors of life.Some lose closest friends, some lose ones respect, some lose money and some lose Love.What a life tragedy, just couldn't understand the meaning of One word in life and we losing so many things,what a loss man!!People dont apologize because they think,"god has made can i make a mistake..??" Some Think "why should i say sorry first..."
But in all these misconceptions,they forget,what to realize and what to do.But the fact is that people ruin everything by such imature ideas.
If see the word Realization itself,the meaning is hidden in it only,
Or we can say it in this way 'Aware of real+situation'.
But in today's world who cares to be like that. People are busy with there own lives,making money, how does it matters, What all they are losing just because of not realizing things on time.People are no more Emphathic,and till the time they'll not able to put themselves in other's shoes, how will they'll realize other's pain, and one's mistake.We talk about all that Spirituality,and deeper world and Existentialism and God Knows what all complicated terms,but the reality is, All this starts from Forgiving Word and then we come to forgiving World:). And a person can only be forgiving if he/she realizes situations on time. Its the time for all the realization,if left unrealized,realize it,solve it and back to normal with things and make a better and Happy environment.
'Life is Easy,
Life is good,
Life is Fun,
but lead with some tiny realizations,
A Smile will always be there.'


A woman thinks/feels/calculates a lot more than she expresses. She is as deep as the ocean. This is more about the depth than what is visible on the surface. So, ~Soul of A Woman~ - You can never know it enough!~

It's the same soul but the face is new..

a million thoughts pass by,

but expressable are just few..

some are told, some not,

some just die like a malnutritioned tot.

but not for long,

not enough..

they can't be killed..


deal with them..

love them..

talk to them..

and try to understand..

it's your mind..

it's your soul..

oh yes..

The Soul of a Woman..