Wednesday, September 30, 2009


What a long 11 letter word.?
Difficult to pronounce or difficult to understand or difficult to feel?Depends on person to person. We such an intelligent human beings, who thinks of our self that we can never be wrong and living in this worldly misconceptions we create great errors of life.Some lose closest friends, some lose ones respect, some lose money and some lose Love.What a life tragedy, just couldn't understand the meaning of One word in life and we losing so many things,what a loss man!!People dont apologize because they think,"god has made can i make a mistake..??" Some Think "why should i say sorry first..."
But in all these misconceptions,they forget,what to realize and what to do.But the fact is that people ruin everything by such imature ideas.
If see the word Realization itself,the meaning is hidden in it only,
Or we can say it in this way 'Aware of real+situation'.
But in today's world who cares to be like that. People are busy with there own lives,making money, how does it matters, What all they are losing just because of not realizing things on time.People are no more Emphathic,and till the time they'll not able to put themselves in other's shoes, how will they'll realize other's pain, and one's mistake.We talk about all that Spirituality,and deeper world and Existentialism and God Knows what all complicated terms,but the reality is, All this starts from Forgiving Word and then we come to forgiving World:). And a person can only be forgiving if he/she realizes situations on time. Its the time for all the realization,if left unrealized,realize it,solve it and back to normal with things and make a better and Happy environment.
'Life is Easy,
Life is good,
Life is Fun,
but lead with some tiny realizations,
A Smile will always be there.'

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